LPSF Candidate Forum: Tue 3 Oct, 6:30 pm


  I have not seen the questionnaire that candidates were sent -- indeed I was not aware that one had been drawn up, although perhaps I missed a message about it. Can you post that ASAP, along with the responses you've gotten? Although I'm glad this project is coming along, it would have been nice to have an opportunity to give input into coming up with those questions.

      <<< starchild >>>

I would like to endorse this event personally
and have thae LPSF endorse it too.This could
be done now by the exec committee or put on
the agenda for the next meeting.

Appeal for Endorsement,
OCT SF March and Rally
against Police brutality SF

Idriss Stelley Foundation
Law Enforcement Accountability Direct Services
4921 3rd St., SF CA 94124
(415) 595-8251
24 HR Bilingual Spa. Crisis Line

Yeah, me neither. Chris, could you post the questions and responses
before Tuesday?


Starchild wrote:

  I have not seen the questionnaire that candidates were sent -- indeed
I was not aware that one had been drawn up, although perhaps I missed a
message about it. Can you post that ASAP, along with the responses
you've gotten? Although I'm glad this project is coming along, it would
have been nice to have an opportunity to give input into coming up with
those questions.

Yeah, it would have been nice.

The invitation, including the questionnaire, is at <URL:
Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos >.
Responses I've received will be posted there soon.

A database of candidates and their responses is at <URL:




  Thanks! For a brief questionnaire not tailored to specific races, the questions look pretty good. Have you communicated anything to the candidates about format (i.e. how much time they'll get, procedure for asking questions, when we'll be making recommendations, etc.)? I recommend allowing them relatively little time to speak extemporaneously -- this usually doesn't tell us too much. I'd rather have the time for asking lots of questions. I think we should also ask them to fill out Advocates quizzes.

  Have there been any follow-up phone calls to the candidates? Any objection to me calling the candidates listed on your table as not responding or not seeking our recommendation?

  One more thought is that we should list in our newsletter (1) all the candidates who bothered to show up (and our impressions of each), and (2) the comments or responses from those who did not.

  I'm going to try to catch the beginning of the School Board event at the library before coming down, so I may be a little late, but I'll be there. Who else is coming? Anybody want to do dinner afterward and talk about what we heard (or didn't hear)?

Love & liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>