Dear Everyone;
At tonights LPSF meeting I was asked to Chair a sub-committee to investigate and making recommendations on placing on the June 2006 ballot two LPSF ballot initiatives.
The sub-committee co-members are: Damarcy Berry � Mike Denny � Jawj Greenwald and�..
By unanimous universal acclamation �Starchild� was volunteered to join the sub-committee due to his unquestionable drive, energy, talents, skills and unique capabilities along with his unswerving belief in Libertarianism.
Uh right � Starchild???
PLEASE NOTE: anyone is welcome to join in at any of the announced meetings and to contribute their help in research � marketing - advertising � community outreach � political outreach � business community outreach � fundraising � legal research � initiative circulators and any other area where help would be welcome.
The tentative ballot names would be:
San Francisco Small Business Tax Free Zone and Hotel Room Tax Repeal
Both measures would be keyed in on the Board of Supervisors oft quoted saying of: let�s help create more employment and let�s create more small businesses and small business employment. Let�s preserve the heritage and culture of our local neighborhood communities and let�s stop all those Big Box businesses.
We can take their words and shove it right down their throats by giving a real tax break to all San Francisco small businesses Citywide.
How can we do this? The SF Small Business Free Tax Zone would do away with payroll taxes for all small businesses in SF and repeal the SF minimum wage law for all businesses in the Free Tax Zone. A small business would be based on the Small Business Administration definition of 100 employees or less.
The Hotel Room Tax repeal would reduce the costs of staying in SF for conventioneers� visitors and travelers. This would make the room rates more competitive and the room rental percentage increase. This would mean a need for more hiring of hotel workers thus more local employment for hotel workers at all levels.
For the Performing Arts groups who would lose their fund grants this would be offset by the decrease in the minimum wage and not having to pay payroll taxes.
I will be announcing the inaugural meeting as soon as possible as the June ballot initiative deadlines for filing and registration are not all that far away.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian