Here is an agenda for our Feb. 11 meeting.
Remember to come to the NEW location, Cybelle's Front Room, on 9th
Ave. at Judah.
LPSF Agenda
When: February 11, 2006, 3:00-6:00 PM
Where: Cybelle's Front Room, 1385 9th Ave.
Meeting Starts 3:00 PM
Welcome and Introductions
* New Agenda Items
Officer Reports 3:05 PM
* Treasurer: Michael Acree
* Secretary: Chris Maden
* Vice-Chair: Marcy Berry
* Chair: Justin Sampson
Committee Reports
* Membership 3:25 PM
- Development: Chris Maden
- Membership Count: Bryce Bigwood
- Database: Bryce Bigwood
* Communications 3:30 PM
- Communications: Chris Maden
- Website: Bryce Bigwood
- Public Access Television: Phil Berg
- Newsletter: Justin Sampson
* Initiatives: Ron Getty 3:40 PM
* Bylaws: Chris Maden 3:55 PM
* Outreach: Starchild 4:00 PM
Announcements 4:10 PM
Activity: Jawj Greenwald 4:20 PM
LPC Convention Preparation 4:35 PM
* Any issues of concern for the LPSF at the LPC convention?
Pizza Social 5:00 PM
Meeting Ends 6:00 PM
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