LPSF Agenda for 12/10/05

Hi All,

Here is the Agenda for our December monthly meeting 12/10/05, cut and pasted below and uploaded in the Files Section of the Activist List.



LPSF Agenda: December 10, 2005
Meeting Starts 3:00 pm
Welcome and Introductions / New Agenda Items :05 3:05 pm
Officer Reports :05 3:10 pm
Treasurer: Michael Acree
Secretary: Jawj Greenwald
Vice Chair: Phil Berg
Chair: Marcy Berry
Committee Reports
Membership :05 3:15 pm
Development: Chris Maden
Database: Bryce Bigwood
Membership Count: Bryce Bigwood
Communications :05 3:20 pm
Communications: Chris Maden
Website: Bryce Bigwood
Public Access Television: Phil Berg
Newsletter: Justin Sampson
Elections :05 3:25 pm
Initiatives: Ron Getty
Bylaws: Chris Maden :05 3:30 pm
Outreach: Starchild :05 3:35 pm
Social Event :02 3:37 pm
Announcements :03 3:40 pm
    Handout: LPCA offices to be filled at February Convention
    Handout: EBLP survey results to date
Old Business
Activism: Starchild :15 3:55 pm
Outreach Poster: Starchild :05 4:00 pm
LPSF Objectives in Sponsoring an Initiative Ordinance: Starchild :10 4:10 pm
Payroll Expense Tax Initiative: Ron Getty :30 4:40 pm
    LPSF Objectives in Sponsoring this Initiative Ordinance
    Presentation of the Proposed Initiative
New Business
Nomination of LPSF Delegates to LPCA Convention - 13 allowed :05 4:45 pm
Nomination of LPSF Officers for 2006 :15 5:00 pm
    Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
    Election of Officers will take place at our January meeting. At our
    December meetings, LPSF has in the past discussed the duties of
    officers, determined the interest of the membership in holding office,
    and made nominations.
Holiday Celebration 5:00 pm 6:00 pm