Dear All,
Attached and pasted below is the Agenda for our next meeting on September 11. I will post it on the LPSF Website by Wednesday 8th; so if you have comments or additions, please let me know before then.
Thank you.
Libertarian Party of San Francisco Agenda: September 11, 2010
Meeting Location:
San Francisco Main Library, 1st Floor Conference Room
Meeting Starts :00 3:00
Welcome and Introductions/New Agenda Items :05 3:05
Officer Reports :05 3:10
Treasurer: Les Mangus
Secretary: Jawj Greenwald
Vice Chair: Ron Getty
Chair: Marcy Berry
Committee Reports :05 3:15
Communications/Social Networking: Rob
Measurers: Ron Getty
Membership: Marcy Berry
Outreach: Starchild
Political Candidates’ Report :05 3:20
Activists’ Reports: What have we
done for Liberty lately? :05 3:25
Announcements :05 3:30
Old Business
Report on September 4 Rally
“Principles Over Politics”: Attendees :05 0:35
Formal vote on Ballot Measures:
Ron Getty :30 4:05
Publication of final votes. Publicizing measures we support.
New Business
LPSF Budget for future
operational and outreach needs: Marcy
Berry :30 4:35
In-Meeting Activism: Facilitated by Rob Power :20 4:55
Ideas for on-line
activism (LTE’s, Readers’ Comments, etc.), and
fastest ways to
accomplish each task. Bring your laptop
if you have one.