LPSF Agenda - December 11, 2010 [1 Attachment]

Dear All,

Attached and pasted below is the LPSF Agenda for our next meeting, December 11, 2010. I will be posting the Agenda on the LPSF website by Wednesday 8th.

It would be great to hear a brief report from those who participated in the airport "Opt Out Day." I suggest doing that under "Activists' Report."


Party of San Francisco Agenda: December
11, 2010

Meeting Location: San Francisco Main Library, 1st
Floor Conference Room

Meeting Starts 3:00

Welcome and Introduction/New Agenda Items :05 3:05 pm

Officer Reports :05 3:10 pm

Treasurer: Les Mangus

Secretary: Jawj Greenwald

Vice Chair: Ron Getty

Chair: Marcy Berry

Committee Reports :05 3:15 pm

Internet Communications/Social Networking: Rob Power

Initiatives/Ballot Measures: Ron

Membership: Marcy Berry

Outreach: Starchild

Political Candidates’
Report: Aiming for a political
office? :05 3:20

Activists’ Report: What have we done for Liberty lately? :10 3:30

Announcements :10 3:40

Old Business

Subscription to a Survey Program – Ron Getty :15 3:55 pm

    Cost – Who will manage – Locations
of surveys - Etc

Specific critically needed LPSF Bylaws changes – Rob Power :10 4:05 pm

     What specifically do we need
to change to stay out of trouble?

In Meeting Activism :25 4:30 pm

   Write revisions to LPSF Bylaws
where critically needed - All

New Business

Regional effort to gain appointment to political boards – Marcy Berry :10 4:40

    Idea proposed by Scott

LPSF Participation in the Pride Festival June 25/26 2011 – Rob Power :15 4:55

Getting ready for LPSF Officers Election: Expressions of interest –
All :05 5:00 pm