[LPOC] Californication, LP-style

I have some GORGEOUS gray suits!

Not ALL gray suits are Gary Condit Ugly.

Gee... Look at how good I look in my picture
on the LPCa website. But, seriously... San Francisco
IS much more stylish than Orange County, even
if we have more Libertarians and better weather here.

As long as we're not wearing tie-die or jeans when
we're on camera, I'm happy.


In case you hadn't seen them yet-

San Francisco-

Definitely shows how deviant SF is compared to the
rest of the state. Also, Hickey had a substantial
number of votes for not being the official party
candidate, compared to Roscoe that is. And I guess the
poor showing for Clements is a good lesson in why one
shouldn't run under a different ticket...
All very interesting.


Arnold as Governor. Wow. Aren't these wonderful times? I feel like we're in the movies!

I'm glad 53 was voted down -- government is bad, but a government with their hands tied by ad hoc regulation is even worse.

But 54? Someone did some heavy advertising. I would never have previously thought that almost 65% of Californians want the government to be racist!


David Rhodes wrote:

I knew 54 was doomed as soon as I saw Surgeon General Koop's TV
commercial against it.

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