Dear All,
I posted the exchange of e-mails with Alton Lee (NYLP Fundraising Director) on this list mostly because I wanted to share with you Alton's questions about what LPSF is "doing about" or "thinks about" some of the major challenges facing San Francisco. I was at a loss in responding.
And that brings me to the LPCA project, requesting that counties identify all jurisdictions (elected and appointed offices) in their area. It occurs to me that after three years of dormancy (except for an occasional heated debate on pedophiles or pot), the LPCA suddenly comes to life, whip in hand and threatening stance. The whole thing I do not like one bit.
However, leaving the project's peculiar timing and LPCA's inappropriate (in my opinion) stance, I personally feel that knowing the jurisdictions in our own county and getting involved in the workings of some of them might be a basic function of a political party. I found the reaction to my introduction to the project at the last LPSF meeting interesting -- we do not have the manpower to get involved in the jurisdictions, so why bother to know what the jurisdictions are. Maybe there is a reason why we do not have the manpower!
Based on my general thinking on the subject, I have completed the jurisdictions I indicated at the meeting I would do (elected officials) and I will have my spreadsheet ready for Beau Cain late this evening (maybe around 1:00, which is when I usually have time to do LPSF work). Still to be done would be the appointed offices.
I promised Beau last night, during our pleasant but truthful chat on the phone, that I would ask for volunteers for this project one more time. I told him that perhaps there would be someone who would volunteer to pick a few of the appointed jurisdictions that outsiders like ourselves would be more likely to be able to get involved with. I realize that most of us would not be able to identify what jurisdictions those would be, which is the point of my present rant!