LNC-appointed committee members

Thanks, Kevin. When LNC staff add the PDF document to the website, can you request they include the information on the committees that I have described below? Identifying which committee members are and which are not on the LNC would be a good idea as well.

  What do you mean exactly when you say that "LNCC is a totally separate organization"? The fact of the LNCC having its own website seems irrelevant, since any committee or group can create a website. That committee was created by the LNC just as were the committees listed in the PDF document. Any authority it has is authority that was delegated to it by the LNC, which is the body that represents Libertarian Party members, and any authority so delegated can be similarly revoked, since the LNCC is not mentioned in the party's bylaws. Exactly what authority did the LNC delegate to the LNCC when it was created, anyway?

Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))