Libertarian themes in Brokeback Mountain

Derek said...>>I didn't find the whole premise of two cowboys just getting overcome with desire for each other to be very believable.<<

That's 'cause you're not gay. Coming from Iowa and knowing gays from the plains and mountain states, I do not find it improbable in the least. I've been to gay bars where I was about the only person present that _wasn't_ a cowboy.


      G. Richard Newell
      +1 (408) 882-4785 (ph)
        1 (877) 684-4835 (fax)

      Libertarian Party of California
      At-Large Representative, Executive Committee
      Chair, Media Relations Committee
      Open PGP key fingerprint:
      9128 57B0 29FB 52CD EBA0 967D 5101 1991 12A0 E26F

      Outright Libertarians
      Vice-Chair, Outright Libertarians USA
      Chair, Outright Libertarians of California

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