Libertarian Party of S.F. Officer Elections, January 14, 2017

Hello All,

In January, the Libertarian Party of San Francisco will hold election of officers. The election will take place at the regularly-scheduled monthly meeting, Saturday, January 14, 2017, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco. As a rule, monthly business meetings are on the 4th floor conference room; however this January meeting will be on the 1st floor conference room, right across from the library’s main information desk.

Officers elected will be Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers must be members of the LPSF, with their annual dues up to date, and also registered Libertarians.

If you are interested in serving in any of the offices, please be present at the January meeting. If you need to pay your 2017 LPSF dues, you can do so by using the PayPal button the on the LPSF website or snail mailing a check to Libertarian Party of San Francisco, 520 Frederick St, #17, San Francisco, CA 94117. Dues are still $25 annually. If you need further information, please email

We at LPSF are looking forward to another successful year of pro-liberty activism, and hope you will join our efforts. New members, new ideas, and new friends are always welcome.


Aubrey Freedman


Libertarian Party of San Francisco