Libertarian Party of California state convention this weekend (Friday evening Feb. 17 - Sunday afternoon Feb. 19)

It’s that time again – the Libertarian Party of California state convention is happening this weekend in Sacramento.

If you are going, please RSVP on the Meetup page I just created for the event, where you can find links to the schedule and registration on the state party website:

As usual at our annual conventions, we’ll be electing new state leadership, and gathering to socialize, party, network, commiserate, and hear some exciting speakers, including 2020 vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen, activist Maj Toure, comedian Lou Perez, Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute, and libertarian childrens’ book author Connor Boyack of the Libertas Institute.

If you’re interested in attending and need or can offer a ride, please give me a call at the number below to coordinate.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))
LPSF Chair
(415) 573-7997