Libertarian "In This Corner" statement on the recall


I won't be able to attend tomorrow, however, allow
me to suggest a topic for a future Chat. (It's likely I'll
make it next Wed.)

Chris Maden wrote in his sfpolitics letter:

The Libertarian Party is the party of small government,
but running an election is one of the few
legitimate functions of government.

Since a large minority of LPers believe the govt has
no legitimate functions, should LP representatives
exclude them when characterizing the LP?

Best, Michael

Libertarians and libertarians believe there should be a government role in
the military and judiciary.

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I won't be able to attend tomorrow, however, allow
me to suggest a topic for a future Chat. (It's likely I'll
make it next Wed.)

Chris Maden wrote in his sfpolitics letter:
> The Libertarian Party is the party of small government,
> but running an election is one of the few
> legitimate functions of government.

Since a large minority of LPers believe the govt has
no legitimate functions, should LP representatives
exclude them when characterizing the LP?

That could be an interesting discussion.

And as you and I have discussed, I see anarchy as a possible long-term end

However, as long as we have a government, there are some things that are
more legitimate and others that are less legitimate for it to do.

Robbing me is not among the legitimate functions. Telling me what I can
consume is not among the legitimate functions. Operating itself -
including electing the officials - seems to be among the last of its
legitimate functions to eliminate.

- --
Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as
distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
~Ambrose Bierce / Freelance text nerd: <URL: >
PGP Fingerprint: BBA6 4085 DED0 E176 D6D4 5DFC AC52 F825 AFEC 58DA

IMO, I think the only responsibility there is one of honesty.

OSX freeware and shareware:

See his comments below-

Dear Anyone;

What are Ned Roscoe's positions on " THE ISSUES "
facing Californians on the budget fiasco, high
revenue taxes and out of control spending and how he
plans to solve them.

1. The budget as passed does not comply with the law
and must be
redone. Using the LAO/State Bureau of Audits work that
Reason reported
the Citizens Budget, and the sale of $1 billion in
excess State assets,
budget can be balanced. Electing a third party
candidate may be the
the politicians need in order to do the work of
government more

Other than being for the repeal of the cigarette tax
what does he stand for and against?

  2. I don't promise the repeal of the cigarette tax. I
don't see that
happening. Political capital ought to be used on the
most pressing
  rolling back the vehicle license fees and additional
tuition charges
  replacing the Workers Compensation system
  getting a balanced budget without cutting the most
sensitive services.

Also does he

have a Roscoe for Governor web site somewhere?

