Dear Everyone;
A good read on being a : "Freedomista, anarcho-capitalist, Austrian economist, gun nut, Federal Reserve conspiracy-theorist, gold bug, secessionist, political monkeywrencher, dope-smoking marijuana-reform activist, civil libertarian or other amateur or professional contrarian "
Basically do not give in but continue the uphill battle for freedom and liberty and the right to be left alone.......
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
I know this is a popular topic among this group, so I thought I'd alert
everyone to an upcoming presentation at the Smith Center for Private
Enterprise Studies on the campus of Cal State East Bay. On Wednesday,
April 19, 2006, at 2:45 p.m., Richard Eberling, President of the
Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) will be speaking on the topic
"Central Planning Doesn't' Work, So Why Not Abolish the Federal
Reserve?" Admission is free and open to the public. For more
information, call (510) 885-2640 or check out the Smith Center website
at> .
Another good presentation coming up at the Smith Center will be on May
3, when Lisa Snell of the Reason Foundation will talk about Rob Reiner's
June 6 Ballot Proposition to provide free pre-school education for all
children in California, and why it is such a meathead idea.
Terry Floyd