A quick report on the gingerbread sale today in the Castro. Jawg
Greenwald and I stood at a table near the corner of 18th and Castro for
a couple hours and sold the gingerbread cookies that she baked and we
all decorated yesterday at the meeting to raise money for my legal
defense. We made $38.60 from the sale of about 18 cookies (they were $2
each or two for $3, but some people voluntarily paid more or donated
money without taking cookies). Along with the cookies I handed out
copies of a flier with an abbreviated version of my arrest story, and
the Fremont mayor and city council contact info. I also brought a few
Libertarian and SF Taxpayers Union fliers, but few people showed any
interest in taking them.
I believe that another $10 or so was raised from people buying cookies
at the LPSF meeting -- unfortunately I did not keep careful track. I'm
also trying to recall who handed me separate donations -- there's
always so much to think about at the meetings, but I believe Chris
Maden and one other person handed me $20 bills. Apologies for not
recalling who the second person was, but thank you. Mike Acree and
Kelly Simpson each mailed me checks for $100. And of course Jawg put in
numerous hours shopping for cookie cutters and supplies, baking
gingerbread, and tirelessly pitching our cause to passersby this
afternoon. She was so energetic at accosting people on my behalf that I
hardly had to say a word!
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm very grateful for all the
assistance, and that it is tremendously comforting to know that I have
your support.
Yours in liberty,
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