Lautenberg Legislation Cloaks Gun Ban Agenda as Anti-Terror Tool


      BELLEVUE, WA - Legislation introduced today by veteran anti-gun New
Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg is designed to expand his gun prohibition
agenda under the cloak of national security, the Citizens Committee for the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.

      Sen. Lautenberg's new "Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous
Terrorists Act of 2009" would place unprecedented authority in the hands of
the Attorney General to deny someone their Second Amendment rights without
ha! ving been convicted, or even charged, with any crime. Instead, under
this legislation, someone whose name is added - for whatever reason - to a
terrorist watch list can suddenly find himself or herself prohibited from
exercising their constitutionally-protected rights based on nothing more
than suspicion.

      "Frank Lautenberg has devoted his entire political career to stripping
as many citizens as possible of their firearm civil rights," noted CCRKBA
Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "His motivation appears to be a Government
Accountability Office report that asserts 963 cases of known or suspected
terrorists trying to buy firearms over a five-year period from 2004 through
February of this year. However, in 90 percent of those cases, the purchases
were allowed after the buyer cleared an FBI instant background check.

      "Lautenberg calls this the 'terror loophole'," he added, "yet neither
he, nor anyone else, can adequately explain how someone gets their name on a
so-called 'terrorist watch list,' and there appears to be no way to get one's
name off such a list once it is there.

      "In Lautenberg's world view," Gottlieb observed, "any American citizen
interested in owning a gun is a potential terrorist. Would he add all of our
names to such a watch list, thus stripping us of our Second Amendment
rights, without first being charged, prosecuted and convicted of some crime?
Probably he would.

      "In 2007," Gottlieb recalled, "Lautenberg lamented that a similar bill
went nowhere. He claimed it was blocked because too many of his colleagues
'knuckled under to the gun lobby.' Better that Congress protect gun owners'
civil rights than be browbeaten by a knucklehead."

      These! Dogs Don't Hunt: The Democrats' War on Guns

      This book is a must read for every gun owner concerned about the
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