Kudos to Les for Getting a Letter to the Editor Published!

Hi All! Did you see the editorial section in today's Chronicle? It contained a beautiful letter to the editor taking issue with the growing support for Governor Brown's tax hike proposals (the article had stated that 68% of likely voters would approve such tax hikes). As always, in one of his recurring themes, Les suggested that those 68% who prefer to be taxed more should get out their checkbooks and write the government a check and "voting to raise other people's taxes is mere robbery." He finished his eloquent letter with a literary flair: "Wait... I have the perfect solution. Let's identify who makes up this 68% and raise their taxes."

Thanks, Les, for being our resident Letter to the Editor writer and sticking with it week after week. Framing things in a different way may or may not change many minds or hearts here in San Francisco, but it should give them something to think about.
