KPOO interview on Propositions A, C, and G (Tues. May 8, 630pm, 89.5 FM)

I've been invited to be interviewed on the case against propositions A, C, and G by KPOO (89.5FM), a black-oriented non-commercial community radio station – scheduled to go in tomorrow at 6:30pm for a live broadcast, so tune in if you're interested!

  I just got my voters' handbook yesterday, so will have our arguments against these measures at hand, but if anyone has any particular thoughts or suggestions on what I should say about any of them, or in general, let me know.

  At my request they also expressed an interest in interviewing Nickolas Wildstar – that has not been scheduled yet, but will try to send something out when it is.

Love & Liberty,

                                  ((( starchild )))
Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
                                (415) 625-FREE