KALW "Town Hall" event on public transportation tonight (6-7pm)

I’ll be going to this. Anyone else? Downtown, 220 Montgomery Street, just a couple blocks from Montgomery Street BART station.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

I was surprised how few people were present at this, only about 15 in the audience. That made it a good opportunity to get on the radio with a question, as I did. They are doing forums like this every Tuesday at 220 Montgomery Street now, with doors opening at 5pm for refreshments and program from 6-730pm. (Next Tuesday however is a Halloween event with music.)

I mentioned how “public” does not need to mean government, and mentioned how there used to be independent competing streetcar lines in SF, asked about promoting non-State forms of public transportation like jitneys, hitchhiking, etc. The panelists included Jeffrey Tumlin, the head of the SFMTA (which runs Muni) along with a Chronicle transportation reporter and a woman from a local non-profit. Tumlin replied to my question, but didn’t really answer it, instead offering a defense of Muni.

KALW program director Ben Trefny, who I’ve lobbied/interacted with before was there, and we had a brief chat. He acknowledged the ideological “bubble” the station is part of, and seems open to more ideologically diverse programming, but was noncommittal on any specifics. He mentioned a need to fund any non-left programming, and asked about possible donors. I couldn’t recommend giving them money at present, but if they were to get serious about airing under-represented voices, I think there would be individuals and groups willing to help pay for such programming.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Oct 24, 2023, at 5:27 PM, Starchild via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

Starchild https://forum.lpsf.org/u/starchild
October 25
I’ll be going to this. Anyone else? Downtown, 220 Montgomery Street, just a couple blocks from Montgomery Street BART station.

Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/town-hall-the-future-of-public-transportation-tickets-741770685087

Town Hall: The Future of Public Transportation https://www.eventbrite.com/e/town-hall-the-future-of-public-transportation-tickets-741770685087
What’s next for public transportation in the Bay Area? KALW’s talking about the future with an all-star panel on Tuesday, 10/24, at 6pm.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

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