jury duty

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Dear Derek;

Three cheers for jury nullification!!! And thank you to Lysander

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

I've been summoned for jury duty in late February.

How do you think they will react when I say "I believe it's the
responsibility of a jury to not only judge the facts of the case,

but also

They will probably boot you off. I have also read
about a judge who substituted a substantial amount of
community service for jury duty for someone
indicating a belief in jury nullification.
You need to decide for yourself what the effect you
are trying to achieve is.

--- Derek Jensen <derekj72@...> wrote:

I've been summoned for jury duty in late February.

How do you think they will react when I say "I
believe it's the
responsibility of a jury to not only judge the facts
of the case, but also
to judge the morality and legality of the law

View my blog at http://derekj72.blogspot.com

Francoise Fielding
820 Stanyan Street,#5
San Francisco, CA 94117

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In my experience with jury duty, you probably will never have an
opportunity to discuss it. You don't get a chance to ask any questions;
you only answer the questions directed your way. Never in my jury
experiences (six or seven so far), has jury nullification ever been
raised. Most of the time, I have been dismissed before I was asked any
questions and only twice have I ever advanced to a second round of
questioning. The only time I was ever actually seated on a jury, we
were called into the courtroom and after the judge introduced himself,
he immediately called a 15 minute recess. After we returned, he told us
the defendant had decided to settle on a plea bargain, so we were
dismissed. Apparently, once he and his attorneys evaluated the jury
that would hear the case (a robbery/murder), they decided he would be
better off pleading guilty to a lesser charge.

The other cases I've been called for involved property disputes among
homeowners in the Oakland hills and a negligence case against a
well-known health club chain. I didn't get seated on either of those
cases, and I'm very happy with that.

But again, you have very little control of what happens to you in a jury
cattle call. You can get booted off much more easily than you can be
seated in the jury box, so if that is your wish, you'll probably get it.

Terry Floyd