Is Personal Drug Use & Mutually Consenting Adult Sex - Vices or Crimes?

Dear Everyone;

Lysander Spooner, a Nineteenth Century lawyer - abolitionist - entreprenuer - legal theorist and political radical, said it best when it came to the victimless crimes and drug use. He categorized them as vices. And in the pure Libertarian sense he said:

Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.

Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another.

For more on Lysander Spooner and his take on vices see the site below. A lot of what he said still applies very strongly today. Along with a lot of other topics where he had some hard harsh words to say about that goldang guvmint' and personal liberties.

Scroll down to: Vices are Not Crimes: A Vindication Of Moral Liberty

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian