IRV/RCV rally Wednesday

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For those of you without real jobs, there's a rally Wednesday to keep the
pressure on City Hall to implement Ranked Choice Voting.

As I said in a previous message, RCV is definitely a go, according to
Elections; the question is vendor support for the reporting. Per Caleb
Kleppner at CVD, ES&S had told the city that implementing this would cost
about $100,000; now they want M$1.5. The city should push a hard line on
bargaining with them, since we're in the strong position; the rally is to
encourage them to get it done, so that the implementation can be developed
and certified in time for use in the November election.

The rally is at noon Wednesday, on the Polk St. side of City Hall. Bring
signs or banners; "Sign the Contract", "IRV in 2003", etc.

Questions to me or to Caleb Kleppner, Center for Voting and Democracy;
824-2735, calebk@....

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