IMPORTANT: Upcoming meetings for public input on city budget

The Budget Committee of the Board of Supervisors is holding a
series of neighborhood meetings for people to give their input about the
budget. The meetings are scheduled from 4-7pm at the following locations:

Mon. April 21, Randall Museum, 199 Museum Street
Thurs. April 24, Joseph Lee Recreation Center, 1395 Mendell Street
Mon. April 28, Jean Park Elementary School, 840 Broadway
Thurs. May 1, Golden Gate Park Senior Center, 6101 Fulton Street
Thurs. May 8, Sunset Recreation Center, 28th Avenue and Lawton Street
Mon. May 12, Mission YMCA branch, 4080 Mission Street

  If we are due to send out a postcard to our members soon, we ought
to let them know about these meetings and encourage them to attend and
speak in favor of spending cuts. (The city government currently has a $342
million deficit, so now is the time to push for cuts!) And of course we all
ought to try to make it to one or more of the meetings ourselves. The
Supervisors respond to pressure when making decisions with our money.

  According to the Chronicle, a recent poll of 1,519 residents found
fire services, emergency medical services, and health programs among the
most popular programs that people did not want cut.

  Among the less popular programs, according to the survey, are
cleaning and maintaining the streets and sidewalks, and parks & recreation.

Yours in liberty,
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