Sorry for the last minute notice, just opened my email and saw this. This is real police-state type stuff, folks -- the LPSF should be opposing it for sure. I'm going to go down there and represent. If you can't make it but have cable TV, they may be broadcasting it (now or later?) on Channel 29 (the public affairs channel), so you may still have a chance to get up to speed on the issue, or perhaps even videotape my public comments.
By the way, *does* anybody in our local party have the ability to videotape stuff off broadcast and/or cable TV? If we don't have volunteer capability at present, this is something I'd be willing to vote to spend LPSF funds to pay for (maybe not paying for cable each month, but buying somebody who's home a lot and can do taping a VCR). We never know when we may be on the news, etc., and it would be very nice to have access to that kind of content to be able to put it on the LPSF website, without the work and expense of having to contact media outlets and buy the footage from them.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))