IMPORTANT - Board of Supervisors - Medical Marijuana Regulation still coming up today

I was down there at 2:45pm after the meeting for the ballot initiative with Marcy, Ron, Jawg, and Mike Denny, and the Board chambers were still relatively empty with maybe 30 people present. Someone said the Board had some other item due to be discussed at 3:30, so the marijuana regs. probably wouldn't come up for a while yet. Who knows what the hell is up with their schedule; I saw a woman with a mic outside the chambers and asked her what she was there for, and it turned out she was there with KQED and had just covered the pit bull regulations and dog license fee increase, which had passed without opposition.

  That makes me angry, because I'd also wanted to speak against that issue, and according to the published Board agenda, it was supposed to be up *after* the marijuana issue, not before. It's like the Board members, who are getting paid like $90,000 a year of the taxpayers money to be there, assume that normal people who are there on their own time have nothing better to do than sit inside all afternoon on a nice day waiting to hear how they decide to rearrange what will be heard when. I decided to go home and shower and chill a bit.

  Nevertheless, I know today should be important for the medical marijuana issue, so I will most likely go back down to City Hall a bit later. But if anybody else is willing to go and could give me a ride, that would be awesome. I'm on 16th Street between Market and Sanchez, and you can reach me at (415) 621-7932.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

Well, unless you're already there, never mind. I called one of the Board members offices a few minutes ago and found out they're already voting on the issue and will be done shortly. Seems like the legislation will pass. Guess I'll have to wait for the news to see how many devils are hiding in the details.

    <<< Starchild >>>

  I was down there at 2:45pm after the meeting for the ballot initiative

with Marcy, Ron, Jawg, and Mike Denny, and the Board chambers were
still relatively empty with maybe 30 people present. Someone said the
Board had some other item due to be discussed at 3:30, so the marijuana
regs. probably wouldn't come up for a while yet. Who knows what the
hell is up with their schedule; I saw a woman with a mic outside the
chambers and asked her what she was there for, and it turned out she
was there with KQED and had just covered the pit bull regulations and
dog license fee increase, which had passed without opposition.

  That makes me angry, because I&#39;d also wanted to speak against that

issue, and according to the published Board agenda, it was supposed to
be up *after* the marijuana issue, not before. It's like the Board
members, who are getting paid like $90,000 a year of the taxpayers
money to be there, assume that normal people who are there on their own
time have nothing better to do than sit inside all afternoon on a nice
day waiting to hear how they decide to rearrange what will be heard
when. I decided to go home and shower and chill a bit.

  Nevertheless, I know today should be important for the medical

marijuana issue, so I will most likely go back down to City Hall a bit
later. But if anybody else is willing to go and could give me a ride,
that would be awesome. I'm on 16th Street between Market and Sanchez,
and you can reach me at (415) 621-7932.

Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>





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