Humor: Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

Humor: Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early
  Even as much truth as there is here, it is still VERY funny.
  Now here is the SERIOUS PART:
      Vote Fraud: How it is done
  Step One: Falsify the polls to make the fraudulent election believable.
  (At the end of this message you will see an accumulation of polls that prove that the "official" representations of polls are patently false)
  Step Two: Use rigged voting machines to produce election results that agree with the fraudulent polls.
  Watch the series of videos called "Hacking Democracy". (Forgive the misuse of the term "Democracy" to describe our REPUBLIC).
  Hacking Democracy 1 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 2 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 3 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 4 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 5 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 6 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 7 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 8 of 9
  Hacking Democracy 9 of 9
  Below you see an accumulation of polls that prove that the "official" representations of polls are patently false. The falsification of the polls is necessary to make the fraudulent election believable.
      The mass media wants us to disregard some polls and pay attention to others.
  Why are some polls blessed and others scorned?
  Why is Ron Paul NOT EVEN IN the GOP STRAW POLL?
  Visit these (vote while you are there):
              Who do you prefer for the GOP presidential candidate? John Cox 0% Rudy Giuliani 2% Alan Keyes 3% Mike Huckabee 7% Duncan Hunter 4% John McCain 0% Ron Paul 52% Mitt Romney 8% Tom Tancredo 2% Fred Thompson 23%
          Who do you think will win tonight's GOP debate? * 4413 responses Mitt Romney
0.5% Mike Huckabee
1.1% Ron Paul
97% Fred Thompson
0.3% Rudy Giuliani
0.4% John McCain
    Who do you think did the best in the debate?
        Ron Paul 22% Mike Huckabee 20% Rudy Giuliani 20% Mitt Romney 16% John McCain 9% Fred Thompson 9% Tom Tancredo 2% Duncan Hunter 1%
  (Numerous questions: Visit the poll to view the responses)
  (Numerous questions: Visit the poll to view the responses)