Help bring new activists to Cal-Libs, get $100.00 for Liberty!


Sandor Woren has challenged me to bring the number of
participants participating in the Cal-Libs group up to 100.
He's bet me $100.00 that I can't do it in one year or less.
Of course, I will donate the $100.00 to a Libertarian charity.

Can you all please use the 'invite; function of the newsgroup and
bring another activist into our growing circle? Or, if you're not
already a member, please join!

This group has a unique mission, as stated on our home page.
It's strictly for sharing ideas about and promoting activism.

It's moderated to include only positive and constructive ideas,
suggestions and comments on activism.

Free of the debates and arguing about the semantics and minutia
of Libertarian Philosophy, here we can concentrate on the actual
mission of Activists, namely bringing success to our movement.

We focus on:
1. Membership
2. Fundraising
3. Education
4. Volunteerism.

We are dedicated to brainstorming about new ideas and sharing our
successes and challenges. We're all about helping and motivating
each other by distributing the seeds of Liberty amongst ourselves.

Please help me give $100.00 to our cause, while at the same time,
helping activists become more successful.

We're up to 28 now, so we have only 72 more to go!

Please go to
and register today!

Bruce Cohen
Moderator - Cal-Libs