Help a Charity and Help Ourselves

I'll heed your advice, although there's no law ordering citizens to counsel and its not a requirement for candidatcy.
Do to the gerneral understanding (which is not law) "ignorance is no excuse to break the law" I may heel on this issue when a attorney becomes avaiable. Wth youth urging I'd consider a path leading to 12 in a box. "Go Josh Wolf!". In SF the Mayor may sit while incarerated. I recall my fellow Districtman Mayor Marion Berry won the next election. I wonder if my hometown boy would come visit. Excuse me as I digressed.SMILE
Eventually the Federal Election Commission will be stricken from government. To relish as a information source (not an authority) and be supported soley by charity.
Since my college days I've haven't held them in much regard. Those buracratic boondogglers. Another IRS'mess!