Gun Walking in Libya

From: Peter Friedman
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 9:14 AM
Subject: Gun Walking in Libya!

With all the hype and BS surrounding what occurred in Libya on 9-11 (the murders of our "Ambassador" and Seals), perhaps there is another scenario? With the Administration's tendency toward "Gun Walking", how about this:Remember how Obama was determined to aid the Libyan "rebels" to overthrow Gaddafi? He never was authorized by Congress, but received permission from the UN to create a No-Fly Zone using the assets of NATO (that's us!). He promised "no boots on the ground". Maybe what he really meant was no "uniformed" boots on the ground!Remember how Gaddafi initially was beating back the "rebels" until the No-Fly Zone was in place, AND the "rebels" received large caches of new and superior weapons? Then Gaddafi was defeated and killed.Go back now to the Carter era when the Russians invaded Afghanistan. Remember Zbigniew_Brzezinski, Carter's National Security Advisor? Remember how he hated, and continues to hate Russians because he's Polish?

Remember how he and Carter decided to arm the Afghans fighting the Russians? Remember that it was Carter who created Osama bin Laden and armed the Mujahideen to fight the Russians? (Have you seen the movie Charlie Wilson's War?) When the Russian finally left Afghanistan, after guys like bin Laden defeated them with OUR supplied weapons, what happened to all those American weapons???