gun control

Dear Mayor Denny,

I disagree. Freedom of speech clearly allows slander, harassment,
and yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.

Walter Block's libertarian classic, _Defending the Undefendable_,
has an excellent defense of these actions. And for no extra charge,
he explains why blackmail and libel are also legitimate!

Moreover, Murray Rothbard defends slander, libel, and incitement
to riot in _For A New Liberty_.

Coincidentally, Walter will be speaking in the Bay Area in Sept.
On Thurs. 25 Sept. @ San Jose State University, and Sat. 27
Sept. at Free Exchange in SF. You can also join Walter for
dinner before the Sat. talk

Best, Michael E.

Is making and selling a book a form of free speech? Does freedom of speech mean I can copy someone else's books and sell them without their permission? Or copy the entire script of another movie for my own? &c.

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