Green Cross Hearing this Wednesday (5pm, City Hall room 406)

This is a high-profile test of the ability of marijuana dispensaries to do business in relatively well-to-do neighborhoods in San Francisco where some neighbors have more conservative attitudes. If they cannot withstand the political pressure under such conditions, this will contribute to the damaging perception that marijuana use is something disreputable that only happens in "bad" parts of town.

  Last hearing earlier this month about 100 people showed up, and it was roughly evenly divided between supporters and opponents. This one is at 5pm, so those of you who work day jobs should hopefully be able to come this time (don't worry if you can't get there right at 5 o'clock, since there should be lots of public testimony and that will take a while).

  Please spread the word to your friends, neighbors and colleagues who support medical marijuana rights.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>
  Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco