Govt Money and Free Speech...Re: Please sign this petition

Dear Carol Moore and Vargas Painting;

> My original question still stands - still waiting on an answer. ( Hello - Vargas Painting - Hello - Wherever are - Please call home )
> What did Tatiana Menaker do to get expelled from SFSU???

OK, I looked up Tatiana Menaker on google and evidently she's a very disruptive paranoid -- as well as being a supporter of the government stopping criticism of Israel. In the meantime she gets pretty disruptive herself at anti-intervention and pro-Palestinian rights events. Just one relevant article below.
. Having been at some of the pro-Palestine rights demos where rowdy Jewish Defense League types are quite threatening, I can say it's quite an issue on campus. Daniel Pipes himself was recently shouted down at Berkely appearance where he was effectively promoting using the state to shut up anti-Israel critics.
The bottom line is there is a growing and well organized Arab and Muslim community in this country with hundreds of thousands of second generation, very smart and well educated campus and political activists challenging Israel's treatment of the Palestinians and US interventionism against Arab and Muslims. Lots of non-Arab/Muslim students and activists are learning a lot from them/working with them and challenging US and Israeli imperialism.
So many of the organized pro-Israel groups are getting really scared and looking to the state to silence them before they get as powerful as AIPAC etc.
CM in DC

Calling Vargas Painting - Calling Vargas Painting

Hello - Hello - Hello

Are still out there somewhere? You posted the original Save Tatiana
Menaker petition on 3/14.

Can you confirm the report below? Is this the reason or reasons
Tatiana Menaker got booted off the SFSU campus??? How does this tie
in with the wording of the petition? Who exactly are the sponsors
of the petition? Do you have any more info about Tatina Menaker and
what really happened?

Or is it a case of: he said - she said - they said - we said? And
we'll never really truly if ever know for certain what really

Please don't post a petition without any background info whether pro
or con and expect people to blindly sign the petition - "Just

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

--- In, Carol Moore in DC <news@c...>

--- In, Ronald Getty

<tradergroupe@y...> wrote:

> Dear Carol Moore and Vargas Painting;
> My original question still stands - still waiting on an answer.


Hello - Vargas Painting - Hello - Wherever are - Please call home )
> What did Tatiana Menaker do to get expelled from SFSU???

OK, I looked up Tatiana Menaker on google and evidently she's a


disruptive paranoid -- as well as being a supporter of the


stopping criticism of Israel. In the meantime she gets pretty


herself at anti-intervention and pro-Palestinian rights events.

Just one

relevant article below.
. Having been at some of the pro-Palestine rights demos where


Jewish Defense League types are quite threatening, I can say it's


an issue on campus. Daniel Pipes himself was recently shouted down


Berkely appearance where he was effectively promoting using the

state to

shut up anti-Israel critics.
The bottom line is there is a growing and well organized Arab and


community in this country with hundreds of thousands of second
generation, very smart and well educated campus and political


challenging Israel's treatment of the Palestinians and US
interventionism against Arab and Muslims. Lots of non-Arab/Muslim
students and activists are learning a lot from them/working with


and challenging US and Israeli imperialism.
So many of the organized pro-Israel groups are getting really

scared and

looking to the state to silence them before they get as powerful


AIPAC etc.
CM in DC



Friday March 5, 2004

Outspoken right-wing Israel advocate faces five-year S.F. State


by joe eskenazi , staff writer

Unabashed pro-Israel advocate Tatiana Menaker is facing a


five-year suspension from San Francisco State University after a


of "disruptive behavior," in the words of school officials.

The university accused Menaker — who was forced to serve 40 hours


community service after loudly urging pro-Palestinians to commit
unnatural acts with a camel during a May 7, 2002, SFSU quasi-riot —


nine instances of disruptive behavior during the past two years.

Menaker, a Russian-born mother of three and journalist in the San
Francisco Russian press and right-wing online publications, claims


university is being used by "anti-Israel factions" to silence


voices, and said she is being disciplined "for ideological

reasons, not

because I did something criminal."

Acting university spokeswoman Christina Holmes said Menaker loudly


publicly threatened lecturer Deborah Gerson in November, and then


into a rage and threw objects around the office of student


officer Donna Cunningham in a Monday, Feb. 23, meeting that

resulted in

Menaker being escorted off campus by police.

Calls to Cunningham and other SFSU administrators were deferred to
Holmes. Gerson did not return calls and e-mails.

Menaker countered the university's claims, stating that she calmly


Gerson, a member of A Jewish Voice for Peace, "If you believe when


start killing Jews, you will be spared, you will be killed two



Regarding her allegedly threatening behavior, Menaker asked, "Do


think I'm stupid enough to make a death threat in front of five


people? Do they think I'm stupid enough to threaten death to a low-


professor from a low-class university? What for?"

In the Feb. 23 meeting with Cunningham, Menaker claims she was

asked to

sign a paper waiving her right to a disciplinary hearing and

agreeing to

a five-year suspension — a document since obtained by j. When she
refused to sign the paper, Menaker claims Cunningham summoned


police and had her walked off the university grounds.

Menaker swore "on the life of my children" that she did not shout


Cunningham or hurl objects around her office.

At the behest of the Jewish Community Relations Council, lawyer


Margolin took on Menaker as a client, pro bono. He met with SFSU


Patty Bartscher on Tuesday, March 2, but declined to discuss the


of that meeting and refused general comment because he "is still
preparing the case."

A meeting between university officials and Menaker and Margolin is
tentatively set for Monday, March 15. Any future hearing will be
administered by an outside administrative judge.

Both Rabbi Doug Kahn, executive director of the JCRC, and Jonathan
Bernstein, Anti-Defamation League regional director, met this week


SFSU administrators, with both emerging "cautiously optimistic"

that a

satisfactory solution could be worked out.

Bernstein had wondered if the university was "overreacting" and
"clamping down too hard" prior to the meeting, but he emerged


that justice will be done.

"I respect the process that is being put into place here. Tatiana


represented and there's an unbiased, neutral party making this


So I don't have any other suggestion on how this process should be
changed," he said.

"It seems clear to me that the university has been open to hearing


concerns we've conveyed about this case and open to the

possibility of