Like all the coverage the 'Town Hall Protests' are getting from the Murdoch and Moonie Media Machine lately? They're not telling you (again) that these 'grassroots protests' are being orchestrated by big-money appartchiks within the neocon power structure:
Just like the fake 'Tea Parties' which Newt Gingrich and Rupert Murdoch set in motion before Obama was even inaugurated.
There will be no Republican Party, unless control of it can be wrested from these extremists.
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I'm curious: What is "fake" about the Tea Parties? Conservative people are genuinely upset about how big government is getting. Have you been to a tea party and talked to the people who are there?
When people on the "left" have/had "Peace Rallies" did you think they were "fake" or true expressions of the anger of those against the war?
Likewise, do you not think there was any big-money leftists behind peace rallies and anti-Bush demonstrations?
Both sides have big money behind them and both sides have their media helpers/supporters. From the tone of your e-mails, I get the impression that you think that only the conservatives try to manipulate groups of people and the media. That is not true - both sides use the same tactics. The problem for the majority of the public, is to see through both sides "smoke and mirrors" tricks and to study the issues to get at the truth. Do not let your great dislike for the conservatives keep you from seeing that sometimes they may have something correct to say and I shall try to do the same when I listen to Boxer, Reid, Pelosi and others on the left.
Hi Marge;
I'm not against what these protests are protesting; I'm against the motives of the people behind them. I think people going to these protests are being used by the GOP Machine simply to embrass and undermine the Democrats without offering any free market or libertarian solution.
These same GOP leaders who orchetrated these events are largely responsible for running up these huge deficits. Several of them tacked their own pork-barrel spending onto the Stimulus Package and then voted against it (knowing full well it would pass) then denouncing it at Tea Parties. Same with the anti-Obamacare protests: the GOP poured billions into government-run healthcare and expanded the government's role in medicine further than the Democrats ever did. And they have absolutely no intention of repealing ANY of these Democratic iniatives if they return to power themselves.
It's better that we protest the Republicans and force them to start pushing for genuine free-market alternatives to the Democrat proposals.