This is a hoax. It is an attempt to get you to delete a perfectly
file that is part of a standard Windows application. If you have
deleted it, I wouldn't worry; I believe it is used mostly by
programmers. You
can find all the details on the website. It is a good
place to
check out any suspicious emails you receive.
In a message dated 3/12/03 10:19:53 AM Pacific Standard Time,
Portia1948@... writes:> THIS IS URGENT!!!!
> A virus has been passed on to me by a contact. My address book in
turn has
> been infected. Since you are in my address book there is a chance
that you
> will find it on your computer too.
> I followed the instructions below and eradicated the virus easily.
> The virus ( called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or
> anti-virus system. This virus sits quietly for 14 days before
damaging the
> system. It is sent automatically by messenger and the address
> whether
> or not you send emails to your contacts.
> Here's how to check for the virus and get rid of it:
> 1. Go to start, Find or Search option
> 2. In the file/folder option, type the name: jdbgmgr.exe
> 3. Be sure you search you C-drive and all the sub-folders and any
> drives you may have.
> 4. Click: "Find now"
> 5. The virus has! a grey teddy bear icon with the name !
jdbgmgr.exe - DO
> 6 Go to the edit (on the menu bar) and choose SELECT ALL to
highlight the
> file without opening it.
> Now go to the File (on the menu bar) and select DELETE. It will
then go to
> the recycle bin.
> 8 Go to the Recycle Bin and delete it there as well.
> IF YOU FIND THE VIRUS, you must contact all the people in your
address book
> so they can eradicate it in their own address books.
> To do this:1. Open a new email message. 2. Click the icon of the
> book next to the "To". 3. Highlight every name and add to "BBC".
4. Copy
> this message, enter subject and paste to the email, and send.
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