Gay conservative group endorses Mitt Romney

Hello all,

Here's an item I think you'd be interested in: "Gay conservative group
endorses Mitt Romney"


It opens with these two paragraphs:

A national group of gay conservatives has endorsed presumptive
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the organization announced

The executive board for GOProud, a group founded by two former members
of the Log Cabin Republicans, Christopher Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia,
voted Tuesday to make an official endorsement.

While I'd prefer to see GOProud endorse GJ, they might be in for an
unpleasant surprise if they give money to Romney's campaign and it's
returned just as Bob Dole's campaign returned the $1,000 which the Log
Cabin Republicans donated in 1996.

Anyhow, what is most interesting is when the article said:

[Christopher] Barron is currently representing Libertarian Party
candidate Gary Johnson as a spokesman and press agent, and has
personally endorsed his campaign.

Is this true?

Is so, perhaps Barron would encourage wider conservative gay support for
GJ. I do, however, doubt Barron's old group, the Log Cabin Republicans,
will endorse GJ, if only because for them to do so would be "out of

Thanks for reading.


Thanks for the post, Alton. I hope Romney checks out the group's website before harboring any ideas about returning the donation

GOProud is quite clear that their main objective is supporting free markets. They just happen to be an alliance of gay and straight folks. They also seem to be the pragmatic type, focusing on the only two candidates that have a shot at the presidency. Regarding Barron, I am not at all distressed -- no more than I should be distressed about Libertarians working for Republican free-market candidates.



Same old, same old. Libertarian deserves support, but who gets it? GOP! God Owwful Party!

Yours in Liberty,
(as Starchild would sign)