Fwd: Official Arguments FOR Prop A

Here’s the email I just got from the Elections Department with the proponents’ argument for Proposition A. Presumably the proponents arguments for the other two measures will arrive shortly, and I’ll forward them to the list as well.

The last couple paragraphs of the argument for Prop. A have some confusing lines drawn amidst them; I’m assuming thisprobably means the proponents want that section all boldfaced or something, not that it was deleted, but I will check. They are claiming, as bond proponents typically do in a misleading sleight-of-hand, that the measure won’t raise taxes (via simply maintaining rates at the same high levels incurred as a result of previous bond measures, rather than allowing them to go down after bond investors have been paid).

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


Pages from Prop A - Official Pro_Redacted.pdf (69.2 KB)
Pages from Prop A - Official Opp_Redacted.pdf (399 KB)