Fwd: Kansas Street SAFE Association Meeting, Monday 1/27/25

I went to this group’s meeting a couple months ago and heard some interesting inside info about law enforcement stuff. Anyone else interested in going this Monday?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


Thanks for the headsup!

Precisely what interesting points do You recall You heard about law enforcement stuff ( Any executive summary “• bullet points” from Your notes* ) ? Was there good turnout at the meeting you attended ( ballpark number of bodies ) ? I’m interested, but I don’t care to waste My Time.

• Are @SheriffSF @SFPD STILL at sub par ( -500 patrol/enforcement officers cherry picking which crimes & traffic incidents & Citizens’ concerns are worthy of response ) ?
• Does, then ( at the time of last KSStSA @meetup ) incoming, Bürgermeister #46 @DanielLurie have a realistic sane rational plan to overcome financial & morale & institutional issues to attract & hire & put more @SFPD “boots on the ground” ( ideally not on “Our Necks”… ) expeditiously to properly attend to Traffic & Other Crimes
• Is @SFPDChief Bill Scott overwhelmed by the record numbers of tragic Criminal Traffic Fatalities** ( & GBI & minor, yet traumatic, incidents ) ?
• Is there any chance Bürgermeister #46 @DanielLurie might follow suit with the :us:Nation’s Capitol’s ( policy petri dish ) officials’ model & #ReduceAllTrafficSpeeds*** City/County-wide — not just on ( mainly ) streets for the Super Wealthy & Politically Connected/Inbred ( aside from a tiny few token gestures to poor/disenfranchised Citizens & business districts ) ?

*** Nation’s Capitol’s success mitigating preventable Traffic Crimes & Deaths.