I went to this group’s meeting a couple months ago and heard some interesting inside info about law enforcement stuff. Anyone else interested in going this Monday?
Precisely what interesting points do You recall You heard about law enforcement stuff ( Any executive summary “• bullet points” from Your notes* ) ? Was there good turnout at the meeting you attended ( ballpark number of bodies ) ? I’m interested, but I don’t care to waste My Time.
• Are @SheriffSF@SFPD STILL at sub par ( -500 patrol/enforcement officers cherry picking which crimes & traffic incidents & Citizens’ concerns are worthy of response ) ?
• Does, then ( at the time of last KSStSA @meetup ) incoming, Bürgermeister #46 @DanielLurie have a realistic sane rational plan to overcome financial & morale & institutional issues to attract & hire & put more @SFPD “boots on the ground” ( ideally not on “Our Necks”… ) expeditiously to properly attend to Traffic & Other Crimes
• Is @SFPDChief Bill Scott overwhelmed by the record numbers of tragic Criminal Traffic Fatalities** ( & GBI & minor, yet traumatic, incidents ) ?
• Is there any chance Bürgermeister #46 @DanielLuriemight follow suit with the Nation’s Capitol’s ( policy petri dish ) officials’ model & #ReduceAllTrafficSpeeds*** City/County-wide — not just on ( mainly ) streets for the Super Wealthy & Politically Connected/Inbred ( aside from a tiny few token gestures to poor/disenfranchised Citizens & business districts ) ?
Back in DC, for decades, My activist & some elected political allies routinely video-recorded public meetings with govt officials to hold them accountable ( & for general archival purposes & as backup when Our written notes & feeble memories failed ) & which triumphantly directly led to real changes when not revealing some high profile scandals & long overdue firings of inbred brazenly arrogant govt officials which crony mainScream media presstitutes would never dare expose — until We did the grassroots heavy lifting ( which was often as easy as pressing RECORD & lifting Our EyePhones! ) .
** Record ( preventable ) Traffic Fatalities ( & Injuries )