Hi Terry and Jim, (Jim...long time no talk...hope you are well)
I've been doing some research on developing a policy initiative for SF
that basically says "In the interest of good management in these
difficult time and in consideration of those being laid off by the City
and County of blah blah...should be the policy of such blah blah place
that the average wage of a government worker (excluding police and fire)
be no higher than the average wage of the citizens in that community.
Then go on about the tragedy of lost jobs that could be avoided if only
the salaries were in line with the rest of the community etc... And of
course this is all in the interest of "good government" and all that.
Anyways...I've been getting an excellent response from many places
including this message below today from a political attorney I worked
with in my Assembly campaign. Richard Rider likes it a lot and I think
it could be an excellent vehicle for the LPC to help organize our local
groups around a simple issue into a statewide force. And we can
leverage the money we spend on our template here by using it in other
places around the state. To be honest I see this as just a way to start
making the electorate aware of the situation and start looking at one
very real cause of the problems. Government worker salaries.
Do you guys have any ideas about this? With the stuff going on in
Vallejo and around the state the issue is surely timely.
Looking forward to hearing from you.