Fw:Petition to LP Judiciary Committee to abolish floor fee

This just-started petition states the "legal" basis for abolishing the
$94 dollar floor fee charged to delegates to vote at the national
convention. It certainly would be nice if the Judiciary Committee
upheld the bylaws.

If not, there can be protests at the convention.

I agree. Maybe increase the LP dues for everyone to provide a fund for convention expenses?


That would be one option. I'd personally prefer to see the party just save money by holding conventions in less expensive venues and rendering floor fees superfluous. For a long time as an organization we've subsidized the preferences of those who want to convene in upscale hotels, and now they're trying to maintain these subsidies on the backs of delegates.

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))

What is the preference of the majority of the membership as to venue? I think whatever the majority prefers shouls be; and I agree the cost of that preference does fall on everyone.


To my knowledge/recollection there has never been a widespread poll of LP members that included the option of meeting at free or lower cost venues like community centers, parks, college campuses, etc. But I did *not* say I thought the cost of the more expensive preferences of some should fall on everyone. I think those who want the pricier option should pay for it, unless others choose to volunteer to pitch in. If a group of us go out to eat and what I choose to order costs twice as much as what you choose to order, I should not expect to split the bill evenly.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))