FW: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

Extremely well written Starchild….


I second—I was appalled by Evan’s letter, and the list of issues on the website. This could really be embarrassing.

It is appalling.

From: "Acree, Michael" <acreem@...>
To: "'lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com'" <lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

I second—I was appalled by Evan’s letter, and the list of issues on the website. This could really be embarrassing.

From:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of mike@...
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:29 PM
To: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com
Subject: FW: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

Extremely well written Starchild….


From:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Starchild
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Evan McMahon
Cc: Grassroots Libertarians Caucus; LP Radical Caucus; Mark Rutherford; LNC Discussion List; LPSF Discussion List
Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC


        When you spoke at the Libertarian Party of California convention a week and a half ago as executive director of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, you said in response to my question about progress in moving the LNCC website away from the conservative tone/focus it had under Wayne Allyn Root that we could talk about that later\. Unfortunately when I tried to approach you again just before the end of the convention, you apparently did not have time to talk, and the event concluded without us having that conversation\. Therefore, and in light of the letter to Glenn Beck sent out by the LNCC today, I am following up, because I feel it is an important issue\.

        Having just looked at the committee&#39;s site \(LNCC\.org\) again today, I&#39;m sorry to say that I still do not see any major shift in the committee&#39;s approach since W\.A\.R\. was replaced with Mark Rutherford as chair of the committee\. The banner depicting two Democrats \(Obama and Nancy Pelosi\) along with one Republican largely discredited among conservatives \(George W\. Bush\) as the bad examples America needs to get away from, remains at the top of the front page\. The LNCC&#39;s issues page is overwhelmingly focused on issues that appeal more to people on the right than people on the left \(see http://www.lncc.org/issues/ \), and the manner in which the issues are discussed doesn&#39;t do anything to offset that\. Even the sole issue presented that is more likely to appeal to people on the left than on the right, Non\-Intervention Policy, is discussed primarily in financial terms and in terms of Americans&#39; self\-interest\. Not a word is said about the

humanitarian impact that bombing, drone strikes, and waging war has on civilians in other countries (see No Intervention | Reduce Defense Budget | Reduce Foreign Aid )

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We would do better to take the decent elements from all the parties and put the GOP out of business, rather than pander to its nefarious interests.
A return to classical liberalism will accomplish this.

From: "Acree, Michael" <acreem@...>
To: "'lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com'" <lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

I second—I was appalled by Evan’s letter, and the list of issues on the website. This could really be embarrassing.

From:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of mike@...
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:29 PM
To: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com
Subject: FW: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

Extremely well written Starchild….


From:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Starchild
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Evan McMahon
Cc: Grassroots Libertarians Caucus; LP Radical Caucus; Mark Rutherford; LNC Discussion List; LPSF Discussion List
Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC


        When you spoke at the Libertarian Party of California convention a week and a half ago as executive director of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, you said in response to my question about progress in moving the LNCC website away from the conservative tone/focus it had under Wayne Allyn Root that we could talk about that later\. Unfortunately when I tried to approach you again just before the end of the convention, you apparently did not have time to talk, and the event concluded without us having that conversation\. Therefore, and in light of the letter to Glenn Beck sent out by the LNCC today, I am following up, because I feel it is an important issue\.

        Having just looked at the committee&#39;s site \(LNCC\.org\) again today, I&#39;m sorry to say that I still do not see any major shift in the committee&#39;s approach since W\.A\.R\. was replaced with Mark Rutherford as chair of the committee\. The banner depicting two Democrats \(Obama and Nancy Pelosi\) along with one Republican largely discredited among conservatives \(George W\. Bush\) as the bad examples America needs to get away from, remains at the top of the front page\. The LNCC&#39;s issues page is overwhelmingly focused on issues that appeal more to people on the right than people on the left \(see http://www.lncc.org/issues/ \), and the manner in which the issues are discussed doesn&#39;t do anything to offset that\. Even the sole issue presented that is more likely to appeal to people on the left than on the right, Non\-Intervention Policy, is discussed primarily in financial terms and in terms of Americans&#39; self\-interest\. Not a word is said about the

humanitarian impact that bombing, drone strikes, and waging war has on civilians in other countries (see http://www.lncc.org/issues/non-intervention-policy/ )

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Thanks, guys! I will pass along your comments when I write my reply to Evan (your input welcome on that, if anyone has any).

  His response to me is below. While he says I was being rude and disrespectful to ask him about LNCC stuff during the Q&A after his talk or approach him as the convention was wrapping up (I disagree, and will explain why in my response), on the positive side he does agree that there are things on the LNCC website that need to be changed (although I would be comfortable if he were more specific and saw that as a higher priority than he apparently does), seems to agree at least partially that the LNCC has been exceeding its scope, and has invited me to write something for the LNCC newsletter.

Love & Liberty,
                                  ((( starchild )))
At-Large Representative, Libertarian National Committee

I think there isn't spare time and energy to spend on trivia. Ultimately, he's what we have, to do what WE need to have done, on a national level.

It's good they're talking about building county organizations. When this is done, everything will change.

From: Starchild <sfdreamer@...>
To: LPSF Discussion List <lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com>; Grassroots Libertarians Caucus <GrassrootsLibertarians@yahoogroups.com>; LP Radical Caucus <lpradicals@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

Thanks, guys! I will pass along your comments when I write my reply to Evan (your input welcome on that, if anyone has any).

His response to me is below. While he says I was being rude and disrespectful to ask him about LNCC stuff during the Q&A after his talk or approach him as the convention was wrapping up (I disagree, and will explain why in my response), on the positive side he does agree that there are things on the LNCC website that need to be changed (although I would be comfortable if he were more specific and saw that as a higher priority than he apparently does), seems to agree at least partially that the LNCC has been exceeding its scope, and has invited me to write something for the LNCC newsletter.

Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
At-Large Representative, Libertarian National Committee


What I said to you at the California convention, during a training session on county party building, was my polite way of telling you that you were being disrespectful and rude. Not just to me, but to the people in session that were there, with very limited time, to talk about...count party building. It was also disrespectful of my time for you to wait until the last two-minutes of the convention, as I'm walking out the door holding a box of materials, to want to talk about the issues we have covered multiple times.

Concerning the website - Yes, there are still things on the website that need to be changed. I am the sole employee of the LNCC and I must prioritize my time and efforts. Most of my work is geared towards building outreach tools and training programs for candidates. To be 100% honest, I don't even plan on keeping an issue page on the LNCC website. Developing and promoting the Party's platform and philosophy is the job of the LNC and Libertarian candidates. My job, and the job of the LNCC, is to provide training, resources and promotion for Libertarian candidates. As we launch more online training and promotion tools some of these items you are talking about will be replaced.

Why did I write a letter to Glenn Beck from the LNCC. Simple...I'm calling him out, in a polite way, for claiming to be a Libertarian while promoting NeoCon policies. I'm welcoming him to his early-stage discovery of Libertarianism while still pointing out the things he's done in the past and even showing him how he can reverse the damage he has done. My goal is for him to have Libertarian candidates, that can hold their own in a debate, on his show. Candidates like Gov. Johnson, Steve Collett, John Jay Myers, Chard Reid, Gigi Bowman and many more. I want him to have members of the LNC (to talk platform) and LNCC (to talk campaigns) on the show. By having these people on, the message of the candidates and the party will be heard. There will be people, even if Beck disagrees with the message, that will have the light bulb click on because of these on-air conversations.

Nowhere in my letter did I advocate a change in policy or philosophy. As a matter of fact, I made it pretty clear that Beck's got a long way to go before he really understands Libertarianism. But instead of gutting him and screaming that he's not welcome here...I've said 'Hey, you're not there yet buddy...but we'll help you get there.' Taking the big tent, everybody can learn this stuff approach. I would rather be a helping hand along someone's path to Libertarianism than a fallen tree blocking the way.

I'm actually kind of surprised that you are surprised...considering this letter was printed in the copy I gave to you over a week ago of the LNCC's quarterly magazine...

And just to show you it's not all about conservatives (which I do find funny considering I'm a gay man whose advocated for same-sex marriage, art collectives, personal choice and ending the wars), I'm working on a similar letter for Bill Maher. Since he is liberal that professes to be Libertarian, I want to work to have actual Libertarians on his show talking about their campaigns and platforms.

On a side note, I would like to invite you to submit an article for possible publication in the LNCC Spotlight. It would be nice to have a dedicated place in the magazine for a rotation of policy or party discussion from LNC reps/officers. Maybe something on CISPA, drones, GITMO, DoMA or another timely issue position.

In Liberty,

Evan McMahon, Executive Director
Libertarian National Campaign Committee


I agree 100%, you have articulated a concern that many of us have.

Good job!

Mark Hilgenberg
Vice Chair Libertarian Party of Utah

Can I repost this?

It is appalling.

From: "Acree, Michael" <acreem@...>
To: "'lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com'" <lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

I second—I was appalled by Evan’s letter, and the list of issues on the website. This could really be embarrassing.

From: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of mike@dennyconnect.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:29 PM
To: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com
Subject: FW: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC

Extremely well written Starchild….


From: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Starchild
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Evan McMahon
Cc: Grassroots Libertarians Caucus; LP Radical Caucus; Mark Rutherford; LNC Discussion List; LPSF Discussion List
Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Glenn Beck & the LNCC


            When you spoke at the Libertarian Party of California convention a week and a half ago as executive director of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, you said in response to my question about progress in moving the LNCC website away from the conservative tone/focus it had under Wayne Allyn Root that we could talk about that later. Unfortunately when I tried to approach you again just before the end of the convention, you apparently did not have time to talk, and the event concluded without us having that conversation. Therefore, and in light of the letter to Glenn Beck sent out by the LNCC today, I am following up, because I feel it is an important issue.

            Having just looked at the committee's site (LNCC.org) again today, I'm sorry to say that I still do not see any major shift in the committee's approach since W.A.R. was replaced with Mark Rutherford as chair of the committee. The banner depicting two Democrats (Obama and Nancy Pelosi) along with one Republican largely discredited among conservatives (George W. Bush) as the bad examples America needs to get away from, remains at the top of the front page. The LNCC's issues page is overwhelmingly focused on issues that appeal more to people on the right than people on the left (see Issues ), and the manner in which the issues are discussed doesn't do anything to offset that. Even the sole issue presented that is more likely to appeal to people on the left than on the right, Non-Intervention Policy, is discussed primarily in financial terms and in terms of Americans' self-interest. Not a word is said about the

humanitarian impact that bombing, drone strikes, and waging war has on civilians in other countries (see No Intervention | Reduce Defense Budget | Reduce Foreign Aid )