FW: [libs4peace] The photographs tell the story...

Source: NYC IndyMedia via


The up close action video of the statue being
destroyed is broadcast around the world as proof of a
massive uprising. Still photos grabbed off of Reuters
show a long-shot view of Fardus Square... it's empty
save for the U.S. Marines, the International Press,
and a small handful of Iraqis. There are no more than
200 people in the square at best. The Marines have the
square sealed off and guarded by tanks. A U.S.
mechanized vehicle is used to pull the statue of
Saddam from it's base. The entire event is being
hailed as an equivalent of the Berlin Wall falling...
but even a quick glance of the long-shot photo shows
something more akin to a carefully constructed media
event tailored for the television cameras.


  I have to admit, this looks pretty damning. While I still believe
the vast majority of Iraqis oppose Saddam Hussein and will be glad to be
liberated from his rule, it does look like the scenes of the Saddam Hussein
statue being pulled down and dragged through the streets by cheering Iraqis
may have been a cleverly-staged media event. The Iraqi rebel photographed
with exiled dissident Chalabi in southern Iraq and the guy in the square do
appear to be the same person. The website's claim that U.S. Marines had
"sealed off the square" was somewhat vague, however. If this referred to
Marines not allowing Iraqi civilians into the area, then the claim of a
staged event seems quite strong. But if "sealing the square" referred only
to the three American tanks circled in yellow on their photo, that's
another story. I'd love to see the mainstream media look into this.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

At 8:33 AM -0700 4/11/03, Acree, Michael shared: