medpot patients
Dear Friends,
Marc Emery and Kevin Zeese are correct in supporting Arianna Huffington for
Governor in the upcoming recall election in California. Arianna has been a
strong supporter of medical marijuana and won the hearts of AMMA with her
respectful treatment of us at her Shadow Convention.
However, if Arianna doesn't run, which is still likely, I suggest supporting
Steve Kubby, running under the banner of both the Libertarian Party and the
U.S. Marijuana Party. That's because the Libertarian Party is registered to
run candidates in California and Steve is a registered Libertarian.
However, Steve is also the honorary head of the California Marijuana Party,
which is not registered, and thus he can campaign under both banners.
Several people, from both parties, have written to urge Steve to run and,
thus far, he has declined. On the other hand, Marc Emery has just offered
to sponsor a candidate for the Marijuana Party, if Arianna doesn't run, so
the door is wide open for Steve to run.
Just imagine if Steve did run for governor. Because the media consider him
a fugitive, although he technically isn't, he would certainly attract media
and get the message out. When Steve ran for U.S. Vice President, he failed
to win the nomination, but still received tons more coverage than anyone
else, from the Associated Press, CSPAN, L.A. Times and Fox News. The media
were, and still are, fascinated by our story and by the idea of Steve
running again for office.
Of course, the idea of a "fugitive" running for governor, so he can pardon
himself and his fellow persecuted medical marijuana patients, would be
especially appealing to the media.
As strange as it may seem, Steve was still a legal resident of California,
in Canada as a NAFTA Business Visitor, when Davis was re-elected and is
therefore eligible to run for Governor. The does not appear to be a problem
filing a notorized application from outside of the state, so Steve can
comply fully with the California election code.
I personally think that Steve's candidacy, ESPECIALLY because he can't
travel to California, would make a huge statement and have a far bigger bang
for the buck than anyone else I can think of.
If we're going to do something, we have precious little time to do so.
Please drop me a line if you'd like to help out.