FW: Birth of New Civil Rights Movement/LP net

What a great pair of messages!

  Paul, I appreciate your sentiment of focusing more on the bad guys outside the party. We should always remember that governments are inflicting untold misery in that realm. But keeping the party on course is also vital, because if we are off course, we will not be as effective in waging that larger struggle. So please don't feel you are in any way neglecting to support the cause of liberty when you devote time and energy to resisting negative trends in the LP.

  Lawrence, I hope everyone will join me in urging Elizabeth Brierly <editor@CaliforniaFreedom.org> AND LP News editor J. Daniel Cloud <danielcloud@...> to publish your terrific piece. It was an article that really needed to be written, and ought to be seen by Libertarians everywhere. It also gave me an idea which I will be sharing soon.

  And Paul, I can help you with phone calls. We don't have any local candidates in San Francisco this November, so I'm also potentially willing to help a campaign elsewhere. I have copied this message, with your appeals below, to the LPSF list.

  One thing that can be done with calling businesses is let them know about their free advertising opportunity at the Libertarian Yellow Pages, and on the LPC's business directory.

Yours in liberty,
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