FW: Bipartisan Post-Recall Budget Proposal


  "Bipartisan?" Where is the Libertarian perspective in this "Roadmap to
Reform?" It sounds like you're relying on the people who've been
causing the problems in the first place. This on top of failing to
include Libertarians in your website's gubernatorial poll! (I just sent
your colleague George an email complaining about that omission.) Has
Reason sold out? Are you aiming to having future Reason events picketed
by unhappy LP members? That would be a sorry circumstance for two
groups that ought to be working together.

Yours in liberty,
                     <<< Starchild >>>
        Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco

I wanted you to be among the first to receive a copy of a
bipartisan proposal being released today by a distinguished
group of Democrat and Republican leaders that provides a
"Roadmap to Reform" to solve California’s budget crisis.

During the summer, we assembled a group of former state
officials who were instrumental in working with their
respective parties to promote the reforms in our Citizen’s
Budget Plan. Now these same officials are coming out in public
to propose a vehicle of reform to implement the reforms of the
Citizen’s Budget.

What they propose to save our state is truly groundbreaking!
With the Recall Election just six weeks away, these officials
are calling for the immediate creation of Reform Commission
that the winner of the recall could use to make dramatic and
sweeping reforms to state government. The commission would be
created this month-and then given to the Recall winner
immediately after the election. Regardless of who wins the
recall, a vehicle for reform must be in place to make the
necessary changes to state government.

By coming out publicly in support of the Citizen’s Budget,
these former officials are demonstrating real leadership and
bipartisan cooperation to save our state. Hopefully,
candidates for Governor and current lawmakers will take note
and follow their lead.

There’s a rising tide of support for fundamental reform in our
state government. Help us spread the word far and wide that
the ideas-and will-exist to make the tough decisions needed to
balance our budget. Your continued support has been invaluable.

Thank you!

-Carl DeMaio
President, The Performance Institute
Senior Fellow, Reason Foundation


Bipartisan Group of Former Lawmakers Lay Out Post-Election
Roadmap for Reform Proposal Would Offer Winner of Recall a
Vehicle and Specific Steps to Balance the Budget and Restore
Long-Term Economic Health

Los Angeles (For Release August 26, 2003) - As voters and
reporters clamor for specific budget and economic reform
proposals from gubernatorial candidates, Reason Foundation,
Performance Institute and a bipartisan group of prominent
former state lawmakers have devised a vehicle and a seven-step
program for the winner of the recall to make those necessary

The plan-entitled Roadmap to Reform-calls for the creation of a
bipartisan commission that could be used by the winner of the
recall to implement their budget and economic reform plans for
the state. Immediately following the recall election, each of
the “Big Five” in Sacramento would appoint two members to a
10-member commission. The group of business, academic, and
political leaders would then function similarly to the federal
Base Realignment and Closure Commission, which made politically
unpopular decisions regarding the closure of military bases in
the early 1990s.

By committing to such a vehicle now, the winner of the recall
would be able to hit the ground running and make the necessary
reforms to bring the state’s budget into balance and restore
the economic vitality of the state. In addition to suggesting
a reform vehicle for the winner of the recall, the plan affirms
many of the reforms suggested in the Citizen’s Budget
continues to gain attention and support from the media, the
public and many of the candidates running for Governor.
Among the reforms endorsed by the bipartisan group include:

- Adopting a biennial budget with a bankruptcy-like
restructuring plan. Currently 23 states use a two-year budget
because it improves oversight and limits the accounting
gimmicks that have plagued California.

- Adopting a constitutional spending limit and revenue limit. A
spending limit similar to the Gann Spending Limit combined with
a revenue limit on tax collection would have largely prevented
the present fiscal crisis. The plan also recommends a reserve,
or rainy day fund, to offset dips in the economy.

- Overhauling the California tax system. The state’s tax system
forces some localities to rely on the car tax for up to
three-fourths of their revenues, others are dependent upon
sales taxes. Re-examining sales taxes, personal income taxes,
car and property taxes to construct a less volatile system is
vital for economic investment and long-term growth.

- Creating the most jobs-friendly state in the nation, starting
with workers’ compensation reforms.

- Enacting performance-based reforms in state programs. The
state has multiple agencies providing duplicate services. These
departments should be consolidated and work such as information
technology, facility maintenance, purchasing, personnel
management, financial management, and administrative support
should centralized, with single offices serving all state

- Controlling personnel costs and empowering state employees to
improve performance. California will spend more than $22
billion in salaries, wages, and benefits this year. A 10
percent savings can be achieved by eliminating vacant
positions, renegotiating egregious raises, and re-assigning

- Evaluating and improving efficiency through competition and
procurement reforms.

Joining Performance Institute and Reason Foundation budget
experts Carl DeMaio and George Passantino were Bill Baker (R),
former member of the U.S. House of Representatives; Kathleen
Connell (D), former California State Controller; Bill Jones
(R), former California Secretary of State; Matt Fong (R),
former California State Treasurer; and Lucy Killea (I), former
member of both the California State Assembly and State Senate.

The complete white paper, A Roadmap to Reform, can be found
online at

The Citizen’s Budget Plan containing line-by-line analysis of
the California budget, is available at

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