FW: [ba-liberty] Is the Strategic Plan Still Viable?

You know.
I made a direct offer to you, as did LP HQ.

Write advocacy pieces for the issues you care about,
specifically gay and minority issues that you're claiming
are underrepresented and we will publish them.

Also, make a case for where 'social' issues have been
under represented versus 'economic' issues.

Count 'em up in any issue or website and give us the facts.

To pretend that our immediate and direct response didn't happen
is incredible. R. Lee Wrights is not the first person to ask for
input. And, in fact, we directly addressed your issues, because
we cared enough to be connected to your conversations, me
being on your newsgroup.

Take advantage of our offers.

We're listening.
We seek your input.

If you don't work with the resources we've offered,
then one can only think you want to debate and
not to produce.

Bruce Cohen

To pretend that our immediate and direct response didn't happen
is incredible.


Which message are you referring to?

The ones I read (looking back over them now) were along the lines of:
1. the problem doesn't exist
2. we can't afford the time to highlight socially liberal positions
3. the problem is your fault not ours
4. we can't financially afford to fix the problem
5. if you gave us more money we might listen to you

Are these what you meant by "direct responses" or was there something I missed?

We're listening.
We seek your input.

If you don't work with the resources we've offered,
then one can only think you want to debate and
not to produce.

I made the offer to help organize with others locally to produce a set of recommendations but never received a response to my request for addresses to send these to or any indication that such would be well received. If there was such an email, please forward it to me.

-- Steve