FW: 701 Lombard & the unfolding RecPark Funds Diversion Scandal - important meeting tomorrow

You know, I'm getting the feeling that it will soon be a much higher
priority to stop Isabel Wade than it is to stop Aaron Peskin. She
openly admits that the original 2.5 cent tax isn't being spent on
what the voters were promised, but instead of attacking Peskin and
the Supes for wasting that money on expensive eminent domain actions,
she proposes doubling the tax to 5 cents? And she's supposedly the
high priestess of park advocacy? Chris, try your "razor" on this
one. Is she evil or stupid? In this town, I usually just end up
flipping a coin to decide.


P.S. We all need to ask Brian to stop calling us "Friends of Good
Government." That's like calling us "Drinkers of Yummy Poison."

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I sent a letter about this to the _Chronicle_ - no sign that they'll run
it, though.

Chris, try your "razor" on this
one. Is she evil or stupid? In this town, I usually just end up
flipping a coin to decide.

Stupid, I think. If she were evil, she'd be looking for a position within
Rec & Parks where she could soak that money up as her salary, or at least
looking for "consulting" opportunities.

No, I think that there's just such a strong bubble of socialist groupthink
here that there a lot of stupid - or at least intellectually lazy - people.

- --
Chris Maden, freelance text nerd and political gadfly
<URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
"We have met the enemy and he is us." ~Walt Kelly, 1970
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