From Rational Review News Digest

37) A hostile San Francisco buries the truth
    by Howard Nemerov

"The Nazi leadership knew that in order to gain public support for
exterminating organizations and populations that threatened its power,
it had first to marginalize them. The Chronicle article was designed
to show that the anointed 'superior leadership' of the San Francisco
gay community does not agree with the Pink Pistols' position on the
right to keep and bear arms, driving a wedge between the Pink Pistols
and the rest of San Francisco. When dealing with the media, gun-rights
advocates had best remember to be extremely cautious, for we have
already been tried by the press and found guilty." (02/08/05)

Dear Michael;

Most likely this is why there were no letters to the editor printed the next day after the article ran. The article would have elicited several dozen e-mails to the editor both pro and con. I wrote one and I have no doubt lots of others did as well. But no Letters To The Editor on the topic of the Pink Pistols.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

"Acree, Michael" <acreem@...> wrote:
37) A hostile San Francisco buries the truth
    by Howard Nemerov

"The Nazi leadership knew that in order to gain public support for
exterminating organizations and populations that threatened its power,
it had first to marginalize them. The Chronicle article was designed
to show that the anointed 'superior leadership' of the San Francisco
gay community does not agree with the Pink Pistols' position on the
right to keep and bear arms, driving a wedge between the Pink Pistols
and the rest of San Francisco. When dealing with the media, gun-rights
advocates had best remember to be extremely cautious, for we have
already been tried by the press and found guilty." (02/08/05)

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