FREE travel on BART with this pass (January 20 only) / LPSF meeting this Saturday Announcements Starchild

[Free travel on BART with this pass (J 20) per @Starchild)


Thanks for the headsup. I used the MLKjr Pass several times on Monday; granted, alarmingly, ONLY 1 of the 8 Gate Agents actually understood or was informed in advance about it — which clarifies how mismanaged @bart is STILL in 2025 despite overpriced over-hyped ( ironic ) “over-sight.”

In addition, as I have witnessed first hand for months now — almost every time I use @bart, those brand new US$90,000,000.00¢ ( ZERO SENSE ) fare gates, can so easily be “hacked” ( another reason to ProTest Sat 15 Feb! ), that they are practically worthless: All one — or 2-5 folks — need/s to do is to move, As One, through the US$90M gates, & they won’t close properly to obstruct more than single person use ( a “safety measure for the disabled,” obviously, but one which completely undermines the purpose ). While I was discussing My MLKjr pass with a Gate Agent, Two Hispanic Gentlemen, one who had the Gate Agent check his one @Clipper/fare card for deficient funds, simply moved — As One — through the US$90M fare *RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE GATE AGENT * who is instructed by mandate not to engage in fare disputes that might result in GBI ( *Great Bodily Injury – despite the well publicized US$10,000.00 Fine, + federal felony charge, for assaulting Gate Agents… ).

So, basically, FREE TRAVEL on @bart is still an EveryDay thing as Your TaxDollars/Earnings&Savings get flushed into some crony industrialists’ — who KNEW the damn things didn’t work properly from the outset before they were approved by the “over-sight committee ” — fat pockets.

#TaxationIsSlavery ( Do You Feel FREE? )

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to DESTROY,” “ Daniel Webster ( @Dartmouth’s Founder ) & Chief Justice John Marshall, 1819 McCulloch v. Maryland. Webster,.