Free State or Bust!

Dear LPSFers,

I've tired of waiting for the moons to align, so I've decided to align
them myself. I'll be leaving in the next week or so to join the fun
in New Hampshire.

I have no job or home waiting for me there. I am bringing whatever
belongings will fit into a van, and a whole lot of enthusiasm.

I won't miss the intolerance of most bay area liberals, but I will
truly miss the regulars of the LPSF. I've learned a great deal from
you. I wish I could bring you all with me. If any of you should ever
travel to the Free State, please do look me up.

Good night, and good luck.


Wow! Good for you, sad for us. I'm sure you'll do fine out there. Just
keep warm, winter's coming. :slight_smile: Start a video blog or something so we
can see you from time to time!

Best wishes,

Dear Morey,

Actually, enthusiasm is all one needs for success. And you have tons
of that! We will miss you. Best wishes.


--- In, "Morey Straus" <morey.straus@...>

Dear Morey;

Best wishes as you start the steps on your way to become elected as
the Libertarian Governor of New Hamsphire.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

--- In, "Morey Straus"
<morey.straus@...> wrote:

Dear LPSFers,

I've tired of waiting for the moons to align, so I've decided to


them myself. I'll be leaving in the next week or so to join the


in New Hampshire.

I have no job or home waiting for me there. I am bringing whatever
belongings will fit into a van, and a whole lot of enthusiasm.

I won't miss the intolerance of most bay area liberals, but I will
truly miss the regulars of the LPSF. I've learned a great deal


you. I wish I could bring you all with me. If any of you should


Hey Morey,

  I've been wondering what's been going on with you. Sorry to hear you're leaving so soon! Does this mean I will no longer have a campaign manager?

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