Fox Cancels Napolitano

Please contact Fox Business to ask them to reverse their decision.

  Irena Briganti, Senior Vice President
  Media Relations
  Phone: 212-301-3608
  Fax: 212-819-0816
  E-Mail: irena.briganti@...

  Be respectful but be sure to convey your outrage at this matter, and state
that you and many others will boycott the network if the show is taken off
the air.

Of course this is an outrage. But let's remember that no reason was
given for the cancellation. We can speculate, but can we wait for
"official word"?
But even if FBN cancels Freedom Watch, for whatever reason, isn't the
good Judge a highly marketable, iconic persona? Will he have trouble
selling himself to another network, especially if he's profitable?
Worse comes to worse, he can broadcast his show from a local community
access channel.

--- In, drmedelstein.threeminutetherapy@...

Please contact Fox Business to ask them to reverse their decision.

  Irena Briganti, Senior Vice President
  Media Relations
  Phone: 212-301-3608
  Fax: 212-819-0816
  E-Mail: irena.briganti@...

  Be respectful but be sure to convey your outrage at this matter, and


that you and many others will boycott the network if the show is taken



We live in an age of ever-expanding government and never-ending wars with the threat of more wars on the horizon, the likelihood of world war great and economic collapse imminent. Incredibly, most people clamour for more government.

The following quote, taken from Fred Reed's essay Why We Fight, Why We Don't and How We Lie About It, helps me understand how most people, Left and Right, are supportive dupes for the death and destruction that flows like a tsunami from government (all governments): "Truth, virtue and morality are add-ons convenient for explaining things done for less noble reasons."

All the best,
